What is Vitex?

Vitex is a shrub native to Greece whose berries have been used in herbal medicine for ages to support gynecological imbalances. This herb has been found to balance fertility hormones gently and non-directly.

How does Vitex work?

Vitex supports and regulates the pituitary gland that controls many vital bodily functions such as sending chemical signals to the ovaries telling them how much hormone to make.

Studies show that Vitex can:

  • Inhibit follicle- stimulating hormone (FSH)

  • Lengthens a short luteal phase (the phase after ovulation before you start your period)

  • Increase progesterone levels

  • Reduce advancement of mild endometiosis

  • Help prevent miscarriage

  • Relieve PMS

  • Stabilize irregular menstruation

  • Prevent uterine cysts

  • Stabilize menstruation after stopping birth-control pills

  • Help stimulate milk production in new mothers

Fertility and Vitex:

Vitex is a fantastic herb for fertility that can help for a range of problems as it appears to help regulate estrogen and progesterone levels.

How to use Vitex?

Vitex can come in teas, capsules, tincture, and powders that are all relatively easy to use.  As with any herb, you must consult your doctor first & it is better taken under the supervision of a specialist.


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