Do You Have Low Progesterone? Luteal Phase Defect: What You Can Do What is Progesterone? It is a main female hormone in the realm of fertility, with a chief focus on supporting a developing embryo. Without enough of it, there is a high chance of losing the baby; In fact, progesterone deficiency is the leading cause of miscarriages! In addition to this largely significant task, progesterone is responsible for a myriad of tasks including: Maintaining the lining of the uterus, making the uterus accessible to sperm, abstaining from immune rejection of the growing fetus while also allowing for complete development, preventing a second sexual development, increasing libido at times of ovulation, and even protecting against various cancers amongst other things! This hormone is widely responsible for our well-being as well as the possible life you are or could be carrying inside of you. Signs That You May Have Progesterone Imbalance: Fluctuating temperature Spotting prior to menstruation Tender breasts Low libido Cravings for sugar Water retention or weight gain Irregular periods How Can You Naturally Boost It? By avoiding xenohormone producers such as: solvents/adhesives, NON-organic dairy, meats and eggs, car exhaust, plastics, pesticides, emulsifiers (in soaps and other bath products) as well as PCD’s resulting from industrial waste, you are reducing your intake of “fake” estrogen. Through the use of natural progesterone cream. Natural progesterone creams have not been studied, but have can have promising effects on a woman’s body. Originating from plant fats and oils or diosgenin, it is nearly bio-identical to the regularly occurring hormone. Reducing your stress levels will also help! Cortisol production competes with the creation of progesterone which means you are likely to produce less progesterone when in times of stress. By supplementing your diet with Vitex extract (Chaste Tree Berry), progesterone will increase because of its’ ability to retain a hormonal balance. Therefore making it very effective in normalizing the body. Progesterone-Rich Organic Foods (look for magnesium, zinc, vitamin B6 and C) Tumeric Green leafy vegetables Almonds and walnuts Black Strap Molasses Seeds Whole grains and fortified cereals Beans (especially soy) Yams Call Today For An Appointment: (561) 459-0528