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How Perfume Hinders Your Fertility

Perfume, a seemingly harmless substance used to make women smell fresh and pretty, has seriously negative effects on fertility. Studies have shown that perfumes can be linked to many cases of miscarriage, prenatal abnormalities, infertility (as its components damage the ovaries and other vital organs), cancer, and even sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). What causes […] Read more…

10 Reasons to Send Your Hubby to Acupuncture

10 Reasons to Send Your Hubby to Acupuncture Fertility While we’ve made it clear that acupuncture has shown to improve fertility in females, acupuncture has equivalent benefits for males that often go ignored or underrated! In recent studies, application of acupuncture has resulted in increased sperm motility by mending structural abnormalities in the sperm in […] Read more…

How Acupuncture Can Ease Your Post-Partum Symptoms

What is Post-Partum Depression? As much love as new parents have for their baby, this phenomena is a common occurrence, affecting up to 25% of new mothers and women who have had miscarriages. Chemical changes in the mother’s body develop upon delivery, and frequently induce a state full of mood shifts. Though this overflow of […] Read more…

John Masters Organics Bare Unscented line

Do you use scented shampoos, body washes, lotions, perfumes, face moisturizers, conditioners and makeup? In an average beauty routine, 99% of the body is covered in artificially crafted synthetic fragrance. Fragrances in beauty products contain 95% – 100% synthetic chemical reactions that are company trade secrets. In this scent cocktail exists carcinogens, crude or turpentine […] Read more…