pain relief

10 Reasons to Send Your Hubby to Acupuncture

10 Reasons to Send Your Hubby to Acupuncture Fertility While we’ve made it clear that acupuncture has shown to improve fertility in females, acupuncture has equivalent benefits for males that often go ignored or underrated! In recent studies, application of acupuncture has resulted in increased sperm motility by mending structural abnormalities in the sperm in […] Read more…

Do You Have Mommy’s Wrist? The Effect Of Progesterone On Your Ligaments

Do You Have Mommy’s Wrist? The Effect Of Progesterone On Your Ligaments DeQuervain’s condition, better known as “mommy wrist” and “mommy hip” are common in new mothers simply because they aren’t used to constantly caring for their babies yet and neither are their bodies! DeQuervain’s tendonitis occurs when tendons surrounding the thumb experience symptoms of […] Read more…

Why You Should Avoid OTC Painkillers Around Ovulation

Why You Should Avoid OTC Painkillers Around Ovulation What Happens During Ovulation? Ovulation is the process of releasing ovarian cells and an egg from the ovaries through a rather complicated sequence of events which is initially triggered by the release of hormones. Hormones allow for your brain to communicate with the rest of your body […] Read more…